Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rarick Hall

Week 3
Blog Photo #2- Line and Rhythm
1) Immediate Response
The thing that I notice first about this photo is the large limestone brick column in the center. It stands out to me and I believe it is the main focal point. My first impression of this photo is that it has nice lines and looks peaceful. It affects me because it brings to mind that peacefulness in which we all seem to be seeking.
2. Objective Description
This photo is of large limestone building located on the Ft. Hays campus that is called Rarick Hall. It has nice vertical lines, in the middle of the photo is a large limestone brick column which is the farthest end of the building. Next to the larger column are two square, smooth limestone columns which appear to run through the outside wall, then reappear for a moment beside the windows and stop at the top of them. In between the two columns hardly distinguishable is a black handrail. There is a concrete sidewalk leading to the front of the building as well as a short brick flowerbed. The rhythm is nice in this photo because of the trees around the building. There is a shadow from the adjacent building which has a long diagonal line that almost connects the two buildings together, and even though you cannot see the other building you still know it is there. Finally, the bright blue, clear sky in the background really adds some vibrant color also helping the rythm of the photo.
3) Formal Matters
The composition of this photo is unique because of the assymetrical balance of the top left and bottom right corners. All over I believe that this photo is very well balanced, and the color is vivid and appealing. I think that it is placed very well in space because you can imagine yourself walking up the sidewalk and into or beyond the building. The lines quality is excellent because it has very defined vertical and diagonal lines going in various directions.
4) The Story It Tells
I think that the story told by this photo would be one of beautifully sound architecture. This building has stood the test of time thus far. Knowing that this limestone brick building is a school, you have a sense of all of the academic achievement that is going on inside of these closed doors. If I were to name this photo I would call it "Achieving."
5) The Work in the World - How does the photo connect to Honore Daumier’s drawings?
I think that this photo connects with Honore Daumier's drawings because of the nice vertical architecture, as well as the long diagonal lines which seem to be a common theme throughout many of his works.

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